Expanding Materials/Lighting

Added materials to all static meshes and added spotlights to the scene. Expanded level to include two areas, one indoor and one outdoor. 

Materials feature a variety of surfaces on normal maps. The grass is a perfect example of a normal map being applied. The floor of the indoor room is a brushed steel metal. The tiled ceiling and granite slabs outside are generally smooth textures, though they still have a slight roughness applied to make it realistic. Finally, the wooden structures are an example of a rough material. **All materials were collected from textures.com.

The lighting in the scene come from a couple sources. The directional light intensity was turned down and set to a light, cool blue. There is a spotlight in the building entryway, guiding the player into the building. Inside, there are different point lights on the wooden structures arranged. One of the point lights lies within a LightMassImportanceVolume, concentrating the light in the area, forming an area light.

Next I want to work on...

  • Adding video
  • Make level brighter
  • Fixing the ceiling and walls (too low)
  • Add more decor
  • Add more gameplay mechanics

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